Coeliac disease... and its ups and downs!

Guest blog Eating out 04.02.2022
Gluten free food

By Alice

At 21 years old, and after months of unexplained stomach pains and nasty symptoms, I finally took the step to see my local GP. A quick blood test and a few days later, I was told it was extremely likely I had coeliac disease. It was an initial shock and terrifying when I started researching all the foods I would have to cut out of my life! The 4 weeks that followed were difficult as I awaited my hospital appointment for a biopsy, but still having to eat gluten so it would show up accurately whether I was a coeliac or not. After finally being fully diagnosed, I was launched into the long supermarket trips and food planning to check with every product if I could eat it or not. Two years later, and it has definitely gotten easier with time, but I wanted to share a few of the positives and negatives I face every day as someone with coeliac disease and adhering to a strict regime and share some gluten free diet recommendations.

The Positives:

However, having coeliac disease can definitely come with some everyday frustrations:

I hope one day they will find a treatment for coeliac disease, but in the meantime I feel very lucky to be able to share my gluten free diet recommendations and have the support around me to make this journey a bit easier!