Bamboo and its five superpowers for sensitive skin | Positive Outlook | Star Brand | Allergy Companions

Brands & products Lifestyle 27.01.2023
Bamboo plants

Living with allergies is exhausting. It’s a constant battle fighting the itch and trying to avoid things that set it off. It’s manageable to avoid certain foods and various ingredients in things like skincare or even washing detergent, but when it comes to the actual clothes we wear it can be more of a medical minefield. The reality is, lots of the items that are readily available to us are made in fabrics that can aggravate sensitive skin, and they’re not made with consideration for things that can incite a flare up.

However, there are brands out there that provide great options, you just have to know where to look for them. One of the most eczema-friendly fabrics on the market is bamboo. We had a chat with the team at Positive Outlook Clothing, who specialise in sustainably made staple wardrobe pieces, including underwear, made from bamboo-blend fabrics. If you’re building a sensitive-skin-friendly wardrobe, it makes sense to start with the basics, so we’re here to give you five reasons why their garments might be the answer to all your problems (okay, not ALL your problems, but it’s a good starting point).

1. Bamboo is hypoallergenic – but what does this actually mean?

Hypoallergenic essentially means that it’s highly unlikely to cause a reaction, and bamboo is particularly good at that for various different reasons. Firstly, bamboo fibres are rounded and do not easily fray because they are so durable. This means that there are no sharp edges (even when you wash them over and over) that are likely to scratch and irritate the sensitive skin. 

2. Bamboo is super absorbent and moisture wicking. 

A lot of skin irritation occurs when there is too much moisture resting on top of the skin. Bamboo material draws moisture away from the skin and to the surface of the fabric to evaporate, keeping you comfortable.

3. Bamboo is thermoregulating.

Bamboo fibres have a hollow micro-structure that helps air to flow freely, maintaining a comfortable body temperature no matter the external climate. These fibres allow your skin to breathe properly and have moisture wicking properties that draw sweat away from the body. Basically, the thermoregulating quality of bamboo keeps you cool when it’s warm and warm when it’s cool, and this all helps to reduce irritation to sensitive skin. 

4. Bamboo Kun (antimicrobial agent)

Bamboo has an organically occurring antimicrobial bio-agent called kun. Kun is naturally found in bamboo and it protects the plant from insects and bacteria which, in turn, means there is no need for the use of harmful and irritating pesticides. It also prevents the building of bacteria and naturally resists allergens.

5. Bamboo is anti-static

Finally, it’s anti-static, so it glides over even the most sensitive skin super smoothly and doesn’t cling at all which can cause more irritation. Tick, tick and tick. 

With more and more awareness around allergies and the rise in social media, it’s easier for people to communicate and share their experiences. Positive Outlook have an easy-to-use website featuring all of their products, and also a number of blog posts and customer reviews that give a bit more feedback and info on how bamboo clothing has helped individuals with allergies of varying severity. We understand that it can be super frustrating trying to navigate pesky allergies but, like most things in life, with support from each other a problem shared becomes a problem halved. Check them out at

Other allergy sites to check out

With more and more awareness around allergies and the rise in social media, it’s easier for those with allergies to communicate and share their experiences. Blog sites such as have a list of different brands for specific things such as school uniform suppliers, and blog sites such as have blog posts on various different hints and tips for living with allergies of varying severity. We understand that it can be super frustrating trying to navigate pesky allergies but, like most things in life, with support from each other a problem shared becomes a problem halved.

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