Allergy friendly venues in Donegal

Uncover allergy friendly restaurants in Donegal, Republic of Ireland, and surrounding areas, making eating out with allergies easier than ever with our free-to-use, community driven review platform. Allergy Companions is a support network specifically for people with dietary requirements, food intolerances & extreme allergies to come together and bring the enjoyment back to dining out with your friends and family. If you have somewhere to recommend, please leave a review and become part of the journey.

Killybegs seafood shack - Killybegs

Killybegs seafood shack - Killybegs


"Delicious seafood - completely nut & sesame free!"

The Seafoods Shack serves takeaway seafood on the pier in Killybegs. The staff are very friendly and helpful. The menu is completely nut and sesame free. It is very popular f...

23.04.2022 Read more
Ahoy Cafe - Killybegs

Ahoy Cafe - Killybegs


"Picturesque café overlooking Killybegs harbour"

Ahoy Café is a picturesque cottage with modern glass extension that overlooks Killybegs harbour. It serves breakfast and lunch and is closed in the evenings. We visited twice d...

25.08.2021 Read more

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