Allergy friendly venues in Brighton and Hove

Uncover allergy friendly restaurants in Brighton and Hove and surrounding areas, making eating out with allergies easier than ever with our free-to-use, community driven review platform. Allergy Companions is a support network specifically for people with dietary requirements, food intolerances & severe allergies to come together and bring the enjoyment back to dining out with your friends and family. If you have somewhere to recommend, please leave a review and become part of the journey.

Franco Manca - Brighton

Franco Manca - Brighton



As usual great with nut allergies. The guy was so comfortable dealing with it that I wasn’t sure I’d explained it well enough! However, while I was in the toilet she showed ...

13.05.2024 Read more

Pizza Pilgrims - Brighton


"Not suitable"

This restaurant is not equipped to deal with severe allergies. The manager to his credit was very open about this, stating that there was a high risk of cross contamination due to ...

13.05.2024 Read more
Rockwater - Hove

Rockwater - Hove


"Great service and attentiveness"

*Disclaimer: drinks only* We only came for drinks but as we had cocktails I mentioned my allergy to the waitress. She was incredibly attentive as were the bar staff. They checke...

22.05.2023 Read more
Tinto Taperia - Brighton

Tinto Taperia - Brighton


"Great experience"

The staff were so knowledgeable and reassured me completely before I ate. I rang ahead to confirm there would be enough dishes I could eat and was told the only thing with nut trac...

22.05.2023 Read more
LEON - Brighton

LEON - Brighton


"Gluten free burgers"

I tried a LEON burger for the first time few weeks ago and I was not disappointed! I always go for a hot box or chips so I thought I’d try something different. I went for the ...

01.06.2022 Read more
Moksha Caffe - Brighton

Moksha Caffe - Brighton


"Fab peanut free cafe!"

Fab cafe in Brighton which is completely peanut free. We went there with our 1 year old who is ana to peanuts and when you sit down they check any snacks you bring for your little ...

25.06.2022 Read more
Mange Tout - Brighton

Mange Tout - Brighton


"Mange Tout Brighton"

In terms of tasty food and something different from the traditional fry up Mange Tout is really good! However, if you do have a serious nut allergy there wasn’t a lot of reassura...

28.06.2021 Read more

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